* If temporaries are provided, they will not feel like your final restorations, which will be smoother and more durable. You may experience discomfort due to the trauma of your crown preparation appointment.
* It is normal to experience sensitivity to temperature and chewing until several weeks after your permanent restorations are placed. If the sensitivity is severe or persistent, please contact the office for further instructions. The extent of sensitivity varies depending on the extent of tooth decay, fractures, and older restorations that have been removed.
* Take pain medication as prescribed by our office. If the sensitivity cannot be managed with medication, please contact us for additional guidance.
* Gently brush and rinse your temporaries. If tissue contouring was performed, wait one day before brushing that area. Additionally, warm your toothbrush with hot water to soften the bristles when brushing. Use a WaterFloss machine as instructed to maintain the health of your gum tissues. Massage your gums twice daily for optimal results.
* If your bite feels “high” after the anesthetic wears off, please schedule an adjustment. An improper bite can cause bruising of the ligament around the tooth and may result in extreme sensitivity