Post-Operative Instructions Following Periodontal
The Initial Post operative Period (First
24-48 Hours)
Following periodontal surgery, it is normal to experience minor bleeding, oozing, swelling, and/or bruising.
To Minimise Discomfort:
**Do Not:**
Drink through a straw, spit, or vigorously rinse your mouth.
Consume hot, spicy, crunchy, or citrusy foods.
Engage in physical exercise.
Smoke or consume alcohol.
Floss or use a toothbrush on the affected area. Refrain from using an electric toothbrush.
Touch the surgical area with your fingers or tongue.
Pull or tug your lip to examine the surgical area.
Consume liquids or foods at room temperature.
Apply gentle pressure to your gums with gauze.
Apply ice to the outside of your face to reduce swelling or discomfort.
Repeat for 20 minutes on and 10 minutes off for the first 4 hours.
After 24 hours, you may use warm, moist heat on your face for swelling as needed.
**Pain Management:**
Some discomfort is likely to occur on the first day. The treated area may experience pain again on the third and fourth days, which are the peak healing periods.
If you are experiencing bleeding, gently bite on a damp piece of gauze for 15-20 minutes. Rest quietly with your head elevated.
Ensure that you take all prescribed antibiotics as directed.
**Kindly Begin Rinsing with Salt in Lukewarm Water
**24 Hours After the Procedure**
**Avoid Smoking:**
Smoking should be avoided for 24 hours. Smoking can dry out the
tissues and delay healing. It can also increase bleeding and prolong
the duration of discomfort.
**Foods to Drink and Eat While Numb:**
**Vegetarian Options:**
Soups (not too hot)
Creamed cereals
Milkshake (without a straw)
Kichdi/ Soft-cooked rice and vegetables.
**Non-Vegetarian Options:**
Soft-boiled or scrambled eggs
Broiled fish or stewed chicken
Boneless meat
Soups (be cautious, avoiding excessive heat)
**Soft Foods Upon Resolution of Numbness:
Gradual Dietary Increase**
**Important Note:** Regular follow-ups are mandatory at our
office every six months. Please request a mandatory check-up
within 72 hours of treatment completion.
For any inquiries, please contact us at:
+91 8050808811 / +91 9019026096