1. **Wait for Numbness to Subside:** Refrain from eating or chewing until the numbness has completely worn off to prevent accidental biting.
2. **Avoid Extreme Temperatures:** Refrain from consuming extremely hot or cold foods for the next 24-48 hours. Additionally, avoid acidic foods (as they may cause sensitivity) and hard foods such as popcorn, chips, and seeds for several days. Sharp particles from these foods can become lodged in the spaces between teeth and gums, further irritating the tissues and potentially hindering healing.
3. **Quit Smoking:** Cease smoking for at least 24 hours after the procedure to ensure optimal gum tissue healing. Smoking has been proven to contribute to plaque buildup, which can lead to periodontal disease. Furthermore, smoking can reverse the positive effects of scaling and root planning.
4. **Saliva Swallowing and Mouth Rinsing:** Swallow your saliva to prevent excessive bleeding. Refrain from rinsing your
5. **Flossing:** Do not floss the treated area tonight. Begin flossing the following evening after 24 hours.
6. **Brushing:** Brush your mouth gently as it may be tender or bleeding for a day or two. Use a toothbrush with soft bristles.
7. **Medication Use:** Follow the prescribed medication as directed.
8. **Oral Hygiene:** Brush twice daily, using a toothbrush with soft bristles.