Post-Operative Instructions Following Periodontal Surgery
The Initial Post operative Period (First 24-48 Hours)
Following periodontal surgery, it is normal to experience minor bleeding, oozing, swelling, and/or bruising.
To Minimise Discomfort:
**Do Not:**
- Drink through a straw, spit, or vigorously rinse your mouth.
- Consume hot, spicy, crunchy, or citrusy foods.
- Engage in physical exercise.
- Smoke or consume alcohol.
- Floss or use a toothbrush on the affected area. Refrain from using an electric toothbrush.
- Touch the surgical area with your fingers or tongue.
- Pull or tug your lip to examine the surgical area.
- Consume liquids or foods at room temperature.
- Apply gentle pressure to your gums with gauze.
- Apply ice to the outside of your face to reduce swelling or discomfort.
- Repeat for 20 minutes on and 10 minutes off for the first 4 hours.
- After 24 hours, you may use warm, moist heat on your face for swelling as needed.
**Pain Management:**
- Some discomfort is likely to occur on the first day. The treated area may experience pain again on the third and fourth days, which are the peak healing periods.
- If you are experiencing bleeding, gently bite on a damp piece of gauze for 15-20 minutes. Rest quietly with your head elevated.
- Ensure that you take all prescribed antibiotics as directed.
**Kindly Begin Rinsing with Salt in Lukewarm Water Regularly:**
**24 Hours After the Procedure**
**Avoid Smoking:**
Smoking should be avoided for 24 hours. Smoking can dry out the tissues and delay healing. It can also increase bleeding and prolong the duration of discomfort.
**Foods to Drink and Eat While Numb:**
**Vegetarian Options:**
Soups (not too hot)
Creamed cereals
Milkshake (without a straw)
Kichdi/ Soft-cooked rice and vegetables.
**Non-Vegetarian Options:**
Soft-boiled or scrambled eggs
Broiled fish or stewed chicken
Boneless meat
Soups (be cautious, avoiding excessive heat)
**Soft Foods Upon Resolution of Numbness: Gradual Dietary Increase**
**Important Note:** Regular follow-ups are mandatory at our office every six months. Please request a mandatory check-up within 72 hours of treatment completion.
For any inquiries, please contact us at:
+91 8050808811 / +91 9019026096