Dentistry for todays


Helping you smile

Meet our Dentists

Expert team of dentists: we have cherry-picked from the best lot in the field of modern dental practice. Our team of dentists is committed to provide you the best treatment available in the field. At Dental Zone, all treatments are done by highly qualified and renowned dentists. 

Personalised care: We always strive to give a personalized care and attention. Each person who comes to Dental care will return with a beautiful smile inspired by a new wave of confidence. We give solutions to our clientele as per their specific requirements. We also provide you with the right information and awareness about your dental health and beauty and help you take the right decisions at the right time. 

State-of-the-art facilities and most-modern equipment: We have the most sophisticated equipment at Dental Zone, which help us serve our clientele in the best possible ways. Besides, the most modern technology offered here helps you reap the fruits of the best dental treatment. The zone is completely digitalized and under electronic surveillance.

Dr Suman Reddy

Dr. Suman Reddy

BDS, MSC (GER) (Oral Implantology), I.C.O.I (Diplomate), AAID (Member) F.P.F.A (USA), specialist Aesthetic Dentistry & Oral Implantology

Dr. Shivakeerthi Reddy

Dr. Shivakeerthi Reddy

Specialists in Endodontics, BDS, MCP, (AAE) (USA)

Dr. Guru EN

Dr. Guru EN

Specialist in Oral Medicine & Radiology, BDS, MDS

Dr Prerna Kedia​

Dr Prerna Kedia

Specialist in Orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics, BDS, MDS

Dr Arjun

Dr. Arjun Rajan

Specialist in Prosthodontics, BDS, MDS