1. **Prescription Medications:** Take all prescribed medications as directed.
2. **Oral Hygiene:** Floss and brush your teeth as usual, unless advised otherwise.
**Flare-Ups:** Approximately 5% of root canal cases may experience significant pain, known as “flare-ups.” These flare-ups are commonly associated with severely infected teeth, irritated teeth, or those with a history of previous treatment. Occasionally, they can occur randomly, even in patients with multiple previous root canals without complications.
**Symptoms of Flare-Ups:** Moderate to severe pain, swelling (as large as a golf ball), bruising, throbbing, and general discomfort typically begin a few hours after treatment and can persist for 2 to 3 days.
**Seek Medical Attention:** If you experience any of the above symptoms, contact our office promptly. We will provide appropriate treatment options, which may include antibiotics, stronger pain medication, a steroid, or additional office visits.
**Mandatory Follow-Ups:** Regular follow-ups are essential for your overall dental health. Please schedule a check-up with our office every six months.
**Request for Mandatory Check-Up:** Kindly request a mandatory check-up within 72 hours of treatment completion